1.According to the author the internet is a kind of:
a) mail service
b) security service
c)news service
d)media service
2)The author says that:
a)is easier to use than typical post service because you do not need to know how your letter is delievered
b)e-mail is different from typical (paper)letters in terms of content
c)some applications existed before the invention of the web
d)the failure of a single node or host usually means total failure of the system
3.In the author's opinion:
a)all the networks could always talk to each other easily
b)existing networks managed to get interconnected in 1974
c)the number of computers on ARPAnet dramatically decreased during 17 years
d) after 1986 the number stayed stable
4.What tend does the author mention?
a)the internet is spreading from government using to general public
b)the internet is spreading from the US to the rest of the world
c)the number of internet users is growing thanks to mobile phones
d)the personal computer market is going to get smaller